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Advanced SQL + Report Generation

You have valuable data stored in various forms, let us help you to harness it. From databases to data warehouses, our team of data analysts can help query and display your customer data in a way that will help you gain the full picture of your consumers.


Our Approach

At Ragnarok, we understand that data is the source that drives everything. We join the power of data with beautiful reporting platforms to help our clients drive toward success while tracking progress along the way. 

Data Integrity

Our data strategists first audit your data to solve for any data integrity issues. We find that a bit of discipline upfront goes a long way when you are dealing with multiple data repositories. It is crucial to identify a single source of truth upfront before you start to analyze it.

Advanced Queries

Through SQL we can help transform your data. Whether your data is contained within relational databases, (MySQL, SQL Server, Postgres) NoSQL databases (DynamoDB, Redis, Mongo), or data warehouses (Snowflake, BigQuery, Redshift), our team can query it directly. 

Harness Reporting

Once we know the data sources and gain access, we’re able to start modeling out the data. These datasets power beautiful and insightful reports within major platforms such as Looker and Tableau. We can help build and pivot reports which become a key part of tracking progress toward your marketing goals.

Let's get tracking

Schedule a consultation today.